Skateboard Helmet: Peace of Mind

Get Your TurboSke Skateboard Helmet Here:


Heading into the Activity

Zooming through the streets on a skateboard can offer a thrilling ride and fun experience. Even going up and down vertical ramps and landing the coolest flip tricks can be a ride on their own. However, all of these cool experiences carry their risks. It’s important to practice caution when committing to a big trick. Now, wearing skateboard pads for protection against broken bones and scrapes is a great precaution to take. More importantly, the best thing to protect is your noggin. Getting a concussion or any type of head injury is common for skaters with no helmets on. Even if you know how to fall, an accident is still very hard to prevent. The most sensitive and complex part of your body is your brain. You better believe that pink mush is worth protecting.

The Helmet of Protection

If you don’t wear anything to for the head protection, your egg shell could very well crack depending on what kind of stunts you’re pulling off. Even so, it’s a good idea to have some sort of head protection for beginner skaters, especially kids. With the TurboSke Skateboard Helmet, your mind remain at peace and enjoy the ride. This quality helmet will protect not only from scrapes but from impact as well. The TurboSke comes in 12 different color schemes as well as adjustable sizes for each helmet. This helmet has undergone many tests and has been properly certified. It fully complies with 16 C.F.R. part 1203 and CE EN 1078 safety standards.

Furthermore, this head protector has 11 vents for proper air circulation and comfort. This helmet is ideal for any skating or extreme sporting activity you may have. Each helmet comes in two sizes that are both adjustable for a proper snug fit. This is the proper helmet for any beginner skater. It suits all ages, great for children as well as adults looking to protect their melon. Having over 2,500 reviews and a solid 4.7 out of 5 stars on amazon, it’d be silly not to invest in one of these melon shells. In just a few clicks, you can be worry free of head injury and get on with your cruising.



Get Your TurboSke Skateboard Helmet Here:


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