Skateboard Pads: Protecting the Youth

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The Risks of the Ride

The art of skating is a vigorous and high speed activity. While maintaining even the slowest speeds, it still proposes it’s risks. Falling down or losing balance on your board is 100% going to happen when skating. While skateboarding can pose a danger to those who are still developing, there’s certainly some ways to skate around this.

Finding Protection

Generally speaking, learning to fall down properly is a useful skill to have when attempting to skate in any circumstance. However, you may want to seek better protection for the sake of saving on medical expenses on scrapes/cuts or even broken bones. Using skateboard pads can greatly reduce injuries especially for young developing kids. For the sake of protecting your youth, the Bosoner Skateboard Pads are worth checking out. These skateboard pads come in 11 cool colors. Suitable for boys and girls, these pads are manufactured to fit kids/youth(preferably 3-9 years old). These pads are not intended for adults. These pads are fantastic for beginners or any child looking to protect themselves while riding through the streets.

How it Works

The pad set comes with elbow, knee, and wrist guard protection. These are the areas most prone to being scraped when skating as well as being landed on. Commonly overlooked, the wrist guards are probably the most important form of protection right next to the knee pads. When falling at a decent speed or in any insecure direction, the bodies natural reaction is to try to catch itself with your hands. In most cases, falling forward or backward will cause the hands to fly out to hold the body from impact. Without wrist protection, this is exactly how arms and wrists get broken on impact. While using the wrist guards, it will not only add some cushion on impact, it will also full protect from the palms being torn on the street.

Having knee pads is also very important, as that’s the next thing that will be making impact on the ground when falling. Especially when falling forward, knees often are scraped when the speed is swift. Not only protecting from scrapes and cuts but also any bone fractures or brakes. Investing in these protective skateboard pads is ideal for any beginner skater in their youth. Be sure to also look at the Top 3 Best Beginner Skateboards here.  It’s no lie when over 4,500 reviews on amazon give a solid 4.5 out 5 star rating for these pads. Get your protection from the concrete in just a few clicks.


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